14 August 2007

Replacing All of Your Double Spaces After Sentences with Single Spaces in Word 2003.

So, yesterday I posted about how the world has been thrown upside down and people now use single spaces after sentences. Today, I'm taking my own medicine and have begun retraining myself--but what about my million documents with double spaces after sentences?

Well, I've made a simple wildcard expression to use with Word's Find and Replace function to replace all of the double spaces after sentences with single sentences.

If you want to throw caution to the wind and replace all instances of two adjacent spaces with a single space, go to "Find and Replace" and enter the following string minus the quote marks:
" {2}" in the replace field enter a single space. If you don't catch the drift of the quotes the string would read, space open bracer 2 close bracer.

If you want to only replace double spaces after periods, then enter: . {2}

Lifehacker just now wrote their article on mind mapping? Amazing...

I can't believe that lifehacker, of all websites, has just now gotten around to writing an article on mind mapping. I guess it was a free floating idea that finally settled on this slow news week--for them atleast, since their name isn't votehacker, they won't be covering Karl Roves resignation.

Here is lifehacker's take on the greatness that is mind mapping:
A Beginner's Guide to Mind Mapping Meetings

Another excellent article with a few links about mind mapping is written by the authors of Creating Passionate Users, a great blog throughout:
Why I Want a Tablet PC